Cover, in Blautönen gehalten, ein Hase berührt einen Stern
Innenseite mit Illustrationen, auf der Pfote eines kleinen Hasen sitzt ein Schmetterling
Produktbild Blau wie der Himmel - Kinderhände auf Innenseite - Hase mit Sternelicht in Pfote
Produktbild Blau wie der Himmel - Kinderhände auf Innenseite - Hase mit Luftballon
Produktbild Blau wie der Himmel - Kinderhände auf Innenseite - Blaues Häschen auf Decke liegend
Produktbild Blau wie der Himmel, leicht wie der Wind - Cover gehalten von Kind dahinter

Blue as the Sky, Light as the Wind

A gentle picture book about saying goodbye to a sibling.
Once upon a summer night, a little rabbit baby was born. It was very small and delicate and its fur shimmered in a soft blue. The rabbit parents named it Snuffelie, like a soft rabbit snuffle. Snuffelie slept a lot, and when it slept, it dreamed the most beautiful dreams of the sky and the clouds. One day, Snuffelie grew wings, said its goodbyes, and flew to the stars …
Picture Book
Recommended Age:
Publication Date:
22,0 x 28,5 cm
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96052 Bamberg

E-Mail: produktsicherheit@magellanverlag.de

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Creative People


Anette Thumser, born in 1964 in Frankfurt, lived in Hannover, Lagos (Nigeria), the Taunus, and the Wetterau before returning to Frankfurt. She basically only turned in a circle. Nowadays, she has two adult children and a cat – and regularly sorts out her book shelves since books seem to multiply as if by magic!


Mareike Ammersken, born in 1992 in East Frisia, currently lives in the beautiful city of Lüneburg. After her training at the college of social pedagogy and some time as a youth care worker, she decided to study illustration at the HAW Hamburg. Long forest walks with her dog and meeting people with various backgrounds in her everyday work have inspired her emotional illustrations.