Cover, düster in dunklen Farben gehalten, Mädchen mit blauen Haaren schaut aus dem Bild, umgeben von weißen Rosen
Interior view 2
Produktbild - Insel der wandernden Flüche 2 - Buchcover auf Kuscheldecken

Isle of Wandering Curses – Moira’s Dream (Volume 2)

This magical trilogy will whisk you away to a Scottish isle with mysterious curses, family feuds, and a dash of romance.
After her recovery from Malaria, Sky’s mother Moira arrived in Sidh, but rather than staying for a while she plans to leave … and take Sky with her.
Sky, who is still uncertain whether she wants to continue her dangerous task, decides to buy herself some time by removing the curse on Tigh-Violet-Rose manor. The council finds out and they demand Sky to stay at the manor and prove that the curses has truly been lifted, but as is turns out it wasn’t just simply a curse that affected the roses, but all things staying overnight at the manor…
Faced with the true power of the curse, Sky is reluctant to stay at the manor and Moira volunteers on her behalf. At first everything seems fine, but as Moira’s illness returns and the water turns brackish, Sky is faced with the consequences of a curse lifting gone wrong. 
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15,3 x 21,5 cm
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Further Titles in the Series

Creative People


Tina Blase always had to try out a lot of things to find what’s good. After three study programmes and countless internships, traineeships, and jobs, she landed on writing books as a freelance author and editor – and doesn’t want to do anything else ever again. Along the way, she graduated in cultural studies, got a scholarship for the Academy for Children’s Media, and started a family, with which she now lives in Hamburg after multiple trips throughout the world.


Tristan Elwell is an illustrator based in the Hudson Valley of New York.