Cover, Stadt voller rauchender Schornsteine, Mädchenprofil
Cover, Stadt voller rauchender Schornsteine, Mädchenprofil
Produktbild - Lichterloh - Buch auf weißem Tuch, grauem Sofastoff

Blaze - City Under Soot (Volume 1)

A thrilling trilogy with a cunning protagonist fighting the system from within against all odds.
In a city where coal is as valuable as gold and powers all aspects of life, Cleo dreams of becoming one of the
prestigious sweeps. After all, she would finally be able to openly work as a mechanic as only sweeps are allowed to repair machines and put out fires. This dreams seems to be unattainable until Cleo breaks the law to stop a house from going up in flames and she’s given a devious choice: become a figurehead to quench unrest in the general population and successfully complete the sweeping apprenticeship or lose the home she and her sister share. A task that seems almost impossible with the other apprentices and sweeps looking down on and even sabotaging her, her sister giving her the cold shoulder, and her friends turning away from her in fear of the power she now holds. Slowly, however, Cleo realises that she’s finally in a position to actually make a change – which comes in handy when she begins to suspect that something is seriously wrong in the city and the system that powers it …
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15,3 x 21,5 cm
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Further Titles in the Series

Creative People


Sarah M. Kempen writes stories for children and young adults and those who still want to be them. Besides novels, she also writes screenplays for animated series and movies. For “Lichterloh” she received the literature prize of The Authority for Cultural Affairs of Hamburg in 2022 as well as the scholarship of the Fantasy Author Network in the category “children’s and young adult book”. She lives with many buttons and even more cardigans in the south of Hamburg.


Melanie Korte, born in the 1980s, has been working as a freelance illustrator since 2009. The wide range of her style made it possible to establish herself on the book market for children’s as well as adult books. Her works are distinguished by the love for details, lively characters as well as colours. Today, Melanie Korte lives and works as a freelance artist in Hamburg.