All Titles


Tour durch die Natur - 50 Planeten, Sterne und Phänomene des Universums

A non-fiction card set on the popular topic space in a handy format to gamify one’s exploration of our world.
Age 8+
Will be released on 12 September 2024


Die wilden Pferde von Rydal Hill - Flammendes Tal, Bd. 3 (Band 3)

An enthralling series full of romance, mystery, and wild horses.
Age 13+, Hardcover, 496 Pages
Will be released on 15 August 2024


Leonard - Ein Traktor hilft beim großen Sturm (Band 4)

First information on agriculture, farm machines, and crops with likeable characters highlighting that everyone has their own strengths and talents.
Age 3+, Hardcover, 32 Pages
Will be released on 18 July 2024


Der kleine Luchs - Zu Hause in den Wäldern Europas

This colourfully illustrated non-fiction picture book raises awareness for the importance of species and environment protection.
Age 4+, Hardcover, 32 Pages
Will be released on 18 July 2024


Die Pferde aus Galdur - Die roten Runen (Band 3)

Magic, myths, and Icelandic horses – a truly enchanting series!
Age 10+, Hardcover, 240 Pages
Will be released on 18 July 2024


Ritter Ragnar Drachenherz - Es ist kalt im Buckelwald (Band 2)

A story about knights, dragons, courage, and friendship with modern illustrations.
Age 4+, Hardcover, 32 Pages
Will be released on 18 July 2024


Die Haferhorde - Ponypiloten heben ab (Band 22)

Pony stories with a twist - Choccie and Biscuit narrate their delightful adventures themselves in this bestselling series.
Age 8+, Hardcover, 160 Pages
Will be released on 18 July 2024


Insel der wandernden Flüche - Moiras Traum (Band 2)

Age 13+, Hardcover, 240 Pages
Will be released on 18 July 2024


Anton Monsterjäger - Die Nacht der Geister (Band 3)

A spooky and monstrously entertaining adventure series.
Age 9+, Hardcover, 176 Pages
Will be released on 18 July 2024


Verflixter Flaschengeist! - Kampf um den Thron (Band 3)

Magical historical time travel adventures from bestselling author Ute Krause.
Age 9+, Hardcover, 272 Pages
Will be released on 18 July 2024


Mafalda mittendrin - Hühneralarm im Treppenhaus (Band 3)

Told by both the animals and the girls, these hilarious adventures provide great entertainment with lovable characters.
Age 8+, Hardcover, 144 Pages
Will be released on 18 July 2024

MyRoads® – the new must-have toy world for road gaming fans aged 4+ made of recycled wood – sustainable and made in Germany!
Age 4+, Game
Released on 15 February 2024

Oh, wie schön ist unser Jahr! - Entdecke 140 besondere Wörter

A book to discover the beauty of language filled with extraordinary words and lush images.

Age 5+, Hardcover, 64 Pages
Released on 15 February 2024

Das Leuchtturm-Geheimnis

A thrilling scavenger hunt filled with unusual riddles and secrets from the past with an atmospheric island setting.
Age 9+, Hardcover, 224 Pages
Released on 15 February 2024

Alles ist im Wandel - Wie sich die Natur verändert

A Factual yet poetic world tour with a special visual concept and spectacular illustrations.
Age 5+, Hardcover, 40 Pages
Released on 15 February 2024

Tour durch die Natur - 50 heimische Pflanzen - Wald & Wiese

A non-fiction card set on the popular topic common plants in a handy format to gamify one’s exploration of our world.
Age 8+, 56 Karten Pages
Released on 15 February 2024

Quartett - Einfach magisch

A classic card game with cute and colourful illustrations for the whole family.
Age 5+, Game
Released on 18 January 2024

Der kleine Waldelefant - Zu Hause in Afrika

This colourfully illustrated non-fiction picture book raises awareness for the importance of species and environment protection.
Age 4+, Hardcover, 32 Pages
Released on 18 January 2024

Hüterin der Schmetterlinge - Das Rätsel der vergessenen Worte (Band 4)

A magical adventure series full of beautiful butterflies, family mysteries, and stunning international settings.
Age 10+, Hardcover, 256 Pages
Released on 18 January 2024

Papa liebt jetzt einen Tiger

A charming story with modern illustrations about coming to terms with and finding one’s place in a blended family situation.
Age 3+, Hardcover, 32 Pages
Released on 18 January 2024

Die Pferde aus Galdur - Die silberne Spur (Band 2)

Magic, myths, and Icelandic horses – a truly enchanting series!
Age 10+, Hardcover, 224 Pages
Released on 18 January 2024

Spiel doch mit, Elefant!

A heartwarming story about finding one’s strengths and approaching others with an open mind with titbits of factual information about elephants.
Age 3+, Hardcover, 32 Pages
Released on 18 January 2024

Kein Bock mehr!

A humorous take on the importance of sharing responsibility and workload with an underlying pro-environmental aspect.
Age 3+, Hardcover, 32 Pages
Released on 18 January 2024

Magic Kleinanzeigen - Ein Zauberrätsel kommt selten allein (Band 3)

Magical adventures full of original and fantastic concepts, friendship, and a dash of humour.
Age 10+, Hardcover, 288 Pages
Released on 18 January 2024